Today is Landon's 2nd birthday! It's so hard to believe my little boy is already TWO!! He is growing up so quickly! I am so thankful for how precious he is and thank God for blessing us with this healthy handsome boy!
On Saturday, we had a small birthday party for him with our families. He wanted a Curious George birthday and I must say that it was SOOOOO cute :) The decorations and paper products we found were so colorful and cute! For the food, we did a "M is for Monkey" theme and tried to have the entire menu made with foods that started with the letter "M" - we had Meaty Manwiches (sloppy joes), Macaroni and Cheese (baked macaroni and cheese), Mozzarella Sticks, Monkey Munch, and Munchies (fruit, veggies, and chips). And then I made a Curious George cake :) I thought it turned out well and I am so glad it is done :) Anyways, I posted several picture on facebook, so here is a link to them:
He received some AWESOME gifts! Lots of Curious George things - stuffed animals, books, band-aids, snack. He also LOVES Thomas, so Nana and Pop-pop got him lots of Thomas things - including a nice wooden track! He got a tractor, a tractor trailer that stores matchbox cars, clothes, some fun sticker activities and last but not least, a FOUR WHEELER! My family pitched in and got this for him. He loves it and surprisingly drives it very well - it didn't take him long to pick it up! He still has a hard time reversing, but otherwise, he drives it very well!
Well, I better close this - he wants to go to McDonald's for his birthday lunch, so we are leaving shortly. Daddy took the day off (YAY) to spend with Landon and all of us, so we are going to go to lunch soon and then try to get stuff done. I'll write another post some other time to update the house situation!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Landon!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 8:07 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day
Don't forget to get out and vote!! I will be out there proudly casting my vote for McCain/Palin!!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Yucky rainy day!
It is not a very pleasant day today...I could use some sunshine! It is very cold and rainy! I'm sitting here waiting for some pics to upload on snapfish, so I thought I would update my blog since it's been a little while.
As nasty as it is outside, I have to say that I LOVED the drive to my mom's house today. They live down in a valley, and on the drive down where the roads are covered by trees, it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL seeing the many different colors...I love fall!! I don't like when they all fall off and everything goes brown though :(
Some big news...we put our house up on the market about 10 days ago! So far we have had 3 showings and one offer (which we are currently praying about and pursuing a counter-offer). God has been amazing...we never thought things would go this well! We are in no NEED to move so therefore we aren't in any rush, so we figured it would take awhile to sell or have any sort of activity. We'll see what happens...decisions, decisions, decisions.
We carved pumpkins with Landon the other night - it was SO much fun! I will have to upload some pics soon! He loved taking out the pumpkins "guts" - he was a little hesitant at first to put his hand inside, but once he saw Jason and I doing it, he had to do it too!!
Speaking of Landon, he will be TWO in just a couple of weeks! My boy is getting so big :( He talks SOOOOOO much now and tries to copy anything and everything you try to say! We really have to watch what we say in front of know how foul-mouthed we can be - j/k lol!!! My worst offense was when I was changing his diaper one day, it was REALLY nasty and I quietly (so I thought) said to myself, "Holy poop batman!" - for days he ran around the house saying "Holy Poop batman!!!" It took awhile to get him to stop saying that...and I haven't said it since :)
Cole is doing better - he's not as fussy all the time anymore. When he is well fed and well rested, he is a very pleasant and happy baby! He is starting to giggle now...I love it :) He's been eating solids (rice cereal and some fruits and veggies) for a couple of weeks now. He is doing SO well on them!! Of course he makes such a mess, but it's fun nonetheless!
Both boys are sick with bad colds right now - it hasn't been very much fun, but hopefully they will both be better soon. Believe it or not (knock on wood) they have been sleeping well at night even with their coughing and stuffy noses!! It's been nice...hopefully I didn't just jinx myself!
Well, my pictures have finished uploading, so I'm going to go - I will try to post pictures on here soon...or better yet, maybe I'll just post a link to my snapfish folder :)
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
4-month check-up
Cole had his 4-month check-up today and it went really well! He got his shots and he definitely did not like them very much, but he survived :) The doctor is very pleased with his development and how well he holds his head up and commented on how she wishes she had his abs (when you lay him on his back, he does crunches very well for a 4-mo old!). Anyways, here are his stats - I'll put Landon's 4-month-stats below so you can compare...Cole is a much bigger boy!
Height: 26 in
Weight: 16 lb 3 oz
Head: 17 1/4 in
Landon @ 4 months:
Height: 24 1/2 in
Weight: 14 lb 1 oz
Head: 16 3/4 in
Anyways, we are now going to start him on fruits and veggies...yay! We started him on cereal a couple of weeks ago and he does really well with that!! As far as sleeping, it's been so off-and-on. Some nights he'll sleep 10 hours, other nights he's up 2-3 times!! We're trying to figure out what's making him so inconsistent. He's still not a great napper. He catnaps most of the time except in the afternoon...his afternoon nap is pretty long.
Well, here are a few pics of Cole from this past weekend - we went to Weaver's Orchard for a Fall Festival. Most of the pics we took are of Landon, but since this post is mostly of Cole, I'll put his pics in and try to upload more of Landon later.
The first one is a little girly, but I absolutely love his blue eyes, so I had to put it in :) He wasn't thrilled to be around the pumpkins so no smile there, but he was giving us lots of smiles around the mums like in the last picture!
Well, I have LOTS and LOTS of cleaning to do - our realtor is coming tonight to do a walkthrough in our home. We are going to try to sell and move closer to my parents, so pray that the whole process goes smoothly and that the house will sell!!!!! Off to clean...
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 7:47 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Toilet Paper
I just had to post a picture of this...for all of you other mom's out there whose child has an obsession with toilet paper, you'll appreciate this!!!
This is how the toilet paper roll looks in almost all of our bathrooms :) I need to learn to do better at keeping the door shut TIGHT!!!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 10:47 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
TOTALLY random, but...
I just had to write something about this :) When Cole was born, they gave me a hospital bag full of goodies. Well, when we got home, it got pushed to the side and I just recently went through it. Well, in it was a Schick Intuition Plus razor. I had seen these advertised on TV, but it just looked like it would be uncomfortable. I have sensitive skin and it looked like a razor shaving with bar soap (which really bothers my skin). Well since I got a free one, I thought I would go ahead and try it out. OH MY GOODNESS - it is one of the greatest inventions ever made for women!! I don't think I can or ever will go back to another razor!! I loved's so convenient and so didn't bother my skin one bit!! I just had to share! I'm sure the only bad thing will be the expensive refills, but I have yet to buy a refill, so we'll deal with that when the time comes!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 12:16 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My smiley baby!
I was uploading pics from my camera and I plan to post them soon, but I don't have time tonight. However, I had to just post one...this is my smiley little Cole...he is such a happy baby (when he's not tired or hungry!). I have so many snapshots of him smiling like this and had a hard time choosing one, but I liked this one. Goodnight!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Pictures from the Marshall Family Reunion
This post will be short, but I wanted to add a slide show of pictures from the Marshall family reunion that we had last weekend. It was at my Aunt Betty's house and it was so nice to see some family that we haven't seen in awhile!! We had a great time, the weather was beautiful, and the kids were very entertaining!!! Anyways, here are some pictures...enjoy!!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My little sister is married!
Last Friday, August 22, my little sister got married :) It was a gorgeous wedding and a very fun day!! We are all still pretty exhausted, but we are recovering! Landon was the ring bearer. We didn't think he would go down the aisle, but he was fantastic and everyone thought he was adorable! He did such a great job!! He was so worn out from a long day of getting ready, taking pictures, and the actual ceremony and reception! He is finally back to himself today after a crazy weekend! Here is a slideshow of pictures I took from the fun day!
On Saturday, we had a family reunion with my dad's side of the family since most of them were here for the wedding! It was so nice to spend time with them - we don't get to see them all often. I have pictures from that day too, but they are still on my camera!
Well, Landon is bugging me to go play with him, so I gotta run!!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 8:01 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
OK, that's it!
I have absolutely had it with my crock pot!!! Grrrr...I think this crock pot is of the devil. I don't know if I just have a faulty one or what, but it has been burning my meals or making them REALLY well done!! And I don't even cook them the full cooking time. So to all of you cooks out there, I would LOVE a new crock pot recommendation before I go buy one and get frustrated with that one too :)
Gotta run - Cole is crying or else I'd write more :)
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What a big boy!
Cole had his 2 month appointment on Tuesday and wow, has he grown!! He weight 7 lb 11 oz at birth and was 21 inches long. Now he weighs 12 lb 9 oz and is 23.5 inches long!!! He's a good eater :) :) I still think he is a little peanut, but that's probably because I'm comparing him to how big Landon is right now!! Landon was the same height at his 2-month check-up, but was only 11 lb 7 oz. Anyways, Cole had a GREAT check-up and got a clean bill of health :) He had his shots and I was so proud of him - he only cried for like 20 seconds and then that was it! He handled it SO well! His legs are a little sore, but he is being such a good baby!
He's also slept through the night for two nights now!! I've put him down at about 9:30/10:00 and he's slept until about 5:30 each morning! YAY!!! I am VERY happy about that! I hope it stays this way! He's been extra sleepy since his shots, so maybe that's why, but maybe he'll start doing this permanently!
I need to post some pictures, but I don't have much time and the pictures aren't even uploaded onto the computer.
Landon got his haircut in the salon for the first time last Friday. I've just done it at home before, but it's pretty stressful and always comes out uneven, so since he's in my sister's wedding next Friday, we decided to take it somewhere. He was FANTASTIC!! I'll have to upload pictures later.
Well, Landon has gone up the stairs and is probably going to start torturing his sleeping baby brother, so I better end this now!! Hopefully I'll be back soon with pictures!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Trying a new look...
As you can see, I've been trying to fool around with our blog a little. I still have a LOT to learn, but I figured it was time for a new look! Thanks Nicole for helping me get a good start on making my blog look better!
Today Landon is at gramma's house and I am home with Cole today. Jason's parents are coming this weekend, so there is a lot to do!! I miss my little boy, but it's nice to only have one child today so that I can get some cleaning done before they come!!!
We are doing well...Landon is still adjusting to having Cole around. It has been frustrating at times. He is doing things that he never did before Cole was born. I don't know if it's the terrible two's starting early or if it's just because he's adjusting to not being the only child anymore or a combo of both. Whatever it is, we are praying it goes away quickly!! I'm starting to fear that I may have a violent child :) He just seems rough with Cole and thinks that it is now OK to throw toys. No matter how many times we scold and punish him, he's still doing it. We are trying to be consistent, but as of yet, we haven't seen much of a change! So pray that we stay consistent and that Landon would learn quickly!!
I need to put a slideshow of pics up sometime soon, I just hardly have time to sit at the computer and put one together!! In the meantime, here are a few recent pictures of the boys:

Well, I better get some more cleaning done while Cole is still sleeping!!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 8:21 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
He's here!!
I'm sorry for not posting the announcement of our newest addition...but here I am, almost a month and a half late :) Colton (Cole) David was born on June 11, 2008 at 1:05 pm after 2o hours of labor!! I was induced with him at 5:00 on June 10th, but he decided to wait as long as he could before making his grand appearance. He is a beautiful healthy little guy. He's already about a month and a half and it's amazing how much he has changed! Having two boys under the age of two has been quite a challenge, but also such a blessing! Landon had a hard time adjusting, but he is slowly getting better! My mom is a tremendous help in watching the boys on occasion during the week.
This is going to be a short post because I have so much to do and my time at the computer is so rare now-a-days, but I wanted to post at least something!! Here are a few pictures of our little guy during his first few days of life :)
That's all for now!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 10:31 AM 1 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Only a few more days!
So the end is in sight...YAY!!! I am scheduled to be induced on Tuesday at 3:00 pm. Of course, I am really praying that he comes on his own before then because I really don't want to be induced! But at the same time, it's the way it is - because of the complications, I can't go pass my due date, so we don't have any other options. Just pray that everything goes safe and smoothly!!
I know, we should be in church right now, but Landon is pretty sick - we are actually off to the doctor's soon...he has a TERRIBLE chest cough and it's pretty bad today. Hopefully it's nothing big, especially with the baby coming in just a few days and I won't be able to stay home to take care of him.
So, to sum it up...please pray for us!! Pray for the arrival of our little guy - that everything will go smoothly! Pray for Landon as he is really sick. Also pray for Jason's family - we found out yesterday that his grandmother will most likely not make it through the weekend. There are a lot of things going on right now and it's very overwhelming when your 9+ months pregnant, so we would REALLY appreciate your prayers. The heat wave doesn't help either, but I must thank God for air conditioning :) I don't know how else I would be surviving right now!
Well, I know this is short - but I wanted to send a quick update. We've gotta leave soon to take Landon in. I'll try to post more later - maybe post-baby :)
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 6:43 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Almost a family of four!
The wait is finally almost over...just a little over 2 weeks until our second little guy is going to make his appearance!! For all of you who still read this, we'd really appreciate your prayers for the next few weeks and labor/delivery. We've run into a few complications (which I won't bore you with details), but we are confident that God is in control and we are trusting Him that everything will go smoothly!! Because of the complications, I've had to be monitored closely each week, so it's been kinda fun seeing him at our ultrasounds...our last ultrasound showed lots of HAIR!! It was so amazing to looks like he might come out with a mullet :) j/k The scary part is that he is measuring ahead, so it looks like another big baby!! And the ultrasound tech AND the doctor commented on how he has a big head...OUCH!!!
It's been so long since I've posted - I almost forgot my username and password!! I figured I'd get a post in with pics of Landon before I have to start posting baby pics and pics of the two of them :) I have to agree with many others though, I hate uploading pics to blogger...we have high-speed, but it's still a pain!! I wish there were a way to upload multiple pics and not just one at a time!! Anyways, here are a few recent pics of Landon:
OK, I ran out of patience...and pictures! I don't have very many recent ones (my camera is packed in my hospital bag!). I have some good ones on my camera now, but I haven't uploaded them on my computer yet. I will post more when I have time!
Landon is growing up way too fast - I say that every time!! He is quite the talker!! And he is so full of expression...the funny faces this little boy makes just crack us up!! He is quite the little entertainer and we just love him to pieces!! We're hoping and praying that he adjusts well to having a new little brother. He is so sweet with other babies at church, but I'm sure it will be different having one around 24/7. So we'll see. I look forward to seeing how it will go (although I'm sure there will be days where I'll wonder what on earth we were thinking).
Jason's job is going well...we are thankful for a good, secure job. I am pretty much finished at AAA, so I'm looking forward to the break. It was very nice though to have a job where I could go in one day a week. I will have my hands full with two little boys though, so I'm glad how it all worked out.
To all my co-fans, I'm so sad that American Idol is over :( I figured from the beginning that it was going to come down to the two David's. I can honestly say that I didn't really care who won - there were different things that I liked about each one. I will miss watching Simon - he is the highlight of that show :) I must make a confession to a new show that I've become addicted too and I'm almost embarrassed to admit it...The Batchelorette. I usually don't get into those kinds of shows, but my sister and I had watched the season of The Bachelor where Deanna was one of the girls that ended up being rejected in the end, so now that she is the Batchelorette, I just had to watch it :) So we'll's still so new that I don't have any particular favorites yet.
Well, I better get going - I should go run some laps to see if this child will come!! I've been dilated for over 2 weeks now with not a ton of progress, so I would love for all of that to change...even TONIGHT!!!! I will try to keep everyone posted :)
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 3:45 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Yes, we are still alive and well!
I'm sure some people were starting to wonder since we haven't updated our blog since last year...seriously :) So, belated Happy New Year!! Oh goodness, I keep thinking one of these days life will slow down and I will be able to be a better blogger, journal-writer, house-wife, etc.
We are doing very well!! Our "little" Landon is growing up so quickly!! He is such a joy! He is starting to talk now...he loves to say "Amen" "Thank You" "Mama" "Dada" "Please" and he's pretty good at saying my family's names. He also loves to make animal noises: oink, moo, nay, and woof. He's a smart cookie :) He is so active - he does not like to sit still for very long.
Our other little one is doing well too...we found out last Thursday that Landon is going to have a little BROTHER!! We are very excited and hope that they will be great buddies. We were fine either way (boy/girl), but since they will be so close in age, we are happy that it is a boy. Everything looks fantastic! He has been VERY active...I don't remember Landon moving around so much this early in the pregnancy!
We have been busy with lots of different things, particularly going to my brother's basketball games. We have really enjoyed watching their games this season - it has been great. Dathan is only 41 points away from reaching 1000 career points...and he's only a junior! We are hoping he does it this year, but if not, he has another whole year ahead of him - Lord willing!! They have at least 3 more games left, and then whatever games they make it to for Districts. It will be exciting! Last night he had his game high of 24 points!! We are very proud of how well Jordan has done too! He is only a freshman (on a team of very good players) and he has had LOTS of playing time. He is a very good ball-handler and has been a great 3-point shooter!!
I really need to post some pictures on here, but in all honesty, I haven't been snapping too many lately!! Landon is always on the run and I can hardly get him to sit still long enough for a picture. I will try though and hopefully I can get some new pictures up on my next post (which will hopefully come before next year!).
Well, Landon is sleeping, so I am going to take advantage of this quiet time and get some MUCH-NEEDED cleaning done!! I have been praying for weeks now that we wouldn't have any drop-in guests because the house is a wreck...literally!! It's so embarrassing...I can't believe how behind I've gotten.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 11:35 AM 0 comments