Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Love Saving Money!

I have been trying to get this couponing thing down over the past few months and while I wouldn't say I am one of those people who get $150+ groceries for like $30, I do feel that I have been saving money.  I get so excited when I come home with such great deals.  Tonight would be one of those times!!  I went to Target and walked out with two bags and paid only $4.80.  This is what I bought:

Scrubbing Bubbles Power Sprayer Shower Cleaner (reg. $8.69) - paid $.69
6 Renuzit Air Fresheners (reg. $.94 each) - paid $2.82 for all six
2 Airwick AquaMists (on sale for $1.99 each) - paid $.99 for two
1 Dental Floss (reg. $.97) - got $.03 credit

All that plus tax came to $4.80!!  Savings of $15.93 (or so it says on my receipt).  I was pretty happy :)  I love finding great deals...and I LOVE TARGET!!!!!  I also made a trip to Wal-mart for $.99 wipes, $.50 new Kraft sandwich mayo, $.50 Kraft salad dressing, plus a few other non-saving items.  Of course, I spent more time waiting in line at the check-out than I actually did searching for my list items.  Have I mentioned that I am NOT a fan of our local Wal-mart?  I was so excited to have a new, expanded Wal-mart about a mile from my house, but it has not lived up to it's expectations in my opinion!!  Thankfully, Target is just as close!!

Anyways, just had to share!