Well, after taking a break from the blogging world, I think I'm going to try jumping back in! We'll see how long this lasts...my 3 little boys keep me very busy, so time at the computer is limited now-a-days!!
Lots has happened since I last blogged, so here is a whirlwind update. We welcomed our 3rd baby boy into the world on February 23, 2010...Gavin Scott.

He is such an angel baby!! He is very laid back, very content and happy most of the time, and such a sweet, sweet baby! The Lord knew I needed an easy one :) Especially with two other little boys so close in age! My labor with him is one I will never forget - the most intense, painful time in my entire life!! Thank goodness it went so quickly (I was in the L&D room for 37 minutes)...because it went so fast I could not have any pain meds, so he was born natural. We chose not to find out what we were having (although Jason apparently knew all along because he saw "something" on one of the million ultrasounds we had). I figured with our track record that we'd have another boy and I was right!! I love him to pieces...I couldn't have asked for a better baby!! He is now almost 4 months old and he's growing up WAY TOO FAST! In fact, it seems like they grow up faster and faster with the more kids you have!! I don't want him to grow up so quickly!! Here is a recent picture of my sweet happy baby:

Cole just had his 2nd birthday...he is such a sweetie (when he's not screaming or fighting with his brother). He just had his doctor's appointment and he was in the 100th percentile for height...he is very tall!! He was in the 60th percentile for weight. He looks so different from his big brother with his light blond hair and bright blue eyes. He adjusted VERY well when Gavin came along which surprised us since he is such a mommy's boy!! He does very well playing on his own, but he loves to follow his big brother around and copy everything Landon does!! Here is a recent picture of him (on spaghetti night):

And then last, but not least, my big boy Landon!! Wow, that boy is growing up TOO fast!! He talks so "intelligently" for a 3.5 year old...and is sometimes TOO smart. He LOVES having a baby brother. He tells me every day how much he loves baby Gavin. He is also a good helper and big brother to Cole. He is such a funny little guy - always has the funniest expressions and funny faces!! He LOVES playing outside - especially baseball with daddy. Here is a recent picture of him (eating lunch...hence the food in his mouth, but such a nice picture otherwise):
So that is the update on my 3 boys. I think that's all I'll update for now - it's getting close to lunchtime and then NAPTIME...YAY :)