Yup, my little baby boy is SICK!! He has been sick since last Friday and I have now gotten it. I took him to the pediatrician on Tuesday because he was vomitting (from coughing so much) and had diarrhea and was very congested. So he has a virus...they gave us a nebulizer because he was wheezing (sp?) and it has worked WONDERS! He is starting to get much better...we go back tomorrow for a check-up. No one told me how sad and heart-breaking it is to watch your baby/child be sick. I was in tears so many times because it just broke me heart. And it's hard when they are this young because there just isn't anything you can do or give them besides lots of love and care...and he got lots of that! I'm so glad that he's starting to get a little better. He still has a yucky cough and runny nose, but he is starting to keep stuff down and he's acting much more like himself. I'll put a picture of him doing his nebulizer below...he is such a good boy with it. His nebulizer is a penguin (you'll see in the pic) and it comes with an igloo carrier to store it in. Thank goodness they now come with a paci attachment because the mask kinda scares him. Anyways, here's the picture of my sick little boy...he's actually pretty happy in the pic:
So besides being sick, everything else is going well. So far, daddy hasn't gotten it, so hopefully he'll stay nice and healthy!!
OK America, what is going on with American Idol. First off, Sanjaya's hair...what in the world? Great, now he's going to start getting "hair" votes. This is a message to all of you voting for Sanjaya...I am going to hunt you down and steal your phones. I was sad to see Chris go - I know he didn't do well this week, but like my good friend Amy said, he has one bad week and goes, but Haley, Sanjaya, and others can have multiple bad weeks and yet they stay? As much as I am addicted to this show and enjoy watching it from week to week, it really is disappointing that it is no longer a singing competition. I think the judge's should vote and their votes should take up a certain percentage of all total votes. Or maybe we should vote for who is the WORST. I don't know...I'm just not sure how much longer this show will continue to run with the way voting has been. Oh well...as long as Melinda doesn't get voted off, I'm OK, but I really wish Sanjaya would get the boot!
Well, I know this is a little short, but I am not feeling well and I'm sure Landon will be waking up soon and then it's time to give him a bath, feed him and then tuck him in for the night (hopefully he'll sleep well so I can catch up on some much-needed rest).
Bye for now!
I hope Landon feels better soon! I am sure that can't be easy seeing your little one so sick, especially when you are not feeling well yourself.
I am with you on all you said about American Idol. If things keep going as is, this will be thier last season.
Oh no I am so sorry Landon has been sick! Aiden had that same exact nebulizer, but I couldn't get him to suck the paci and they said he must suck it for the medicine to help. He had the albuterol and then he had a steroid to breathe in. It is sad to see them sick. Hope you all have a good Easter.
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