Thursday, March 29, 2007
The sickies have hit our house :(
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 5:41 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
It's been awhile...
Landon went for his 4-month shots this past Friday (although he was a little over 4 months). He did OK, but he definitely does NOT like those needles, but who does? He was a little off for a few days, just not quite himself. He weighs 14 pounds and 1 ounce and he is now 25.5 inches long! He's a long skinny boy!! He is doing very well though and we are SO thankful for a very healthy beautiful boy.
Our pediatrician told us to start him on cereal - he has not been nursing well (bad nurser = low supply) and the pediatrician said it is time. So we have started him on it (GASP, I know, it's early). It has been pretty messy - here is a picture from the other day. It's not the greatest picture though because I took it with one hand while I was holding him.
He is so fun! He is still trying to learn how to get it off the spoon - he usually licks it, but he's starting to get the hang of it a little more each time.
For those of you who are local, you'll remember that the weather was TERRIBLE that day (Friday). Well, I decided to go to his appointment anyways because the pediatrician is like 2 miles away and I didn't think the roads were that bad. I was wrong and I ended up hitting a bank and stuck in a ditch. I was only going like 15 mph on a FLAT road - I was even behind a school bus, so I definitely wasn't going too fast. I must've just hit a bad spot. After about 20 people drove by, two guys in a truck finally helped pull/push me out. They were just driving around helping people out of ditches...it was very nice of them. We were fine, but our SUV needs a little fix. I'm just thankful that no one else was coming in the opposing lane or I would've hit them head on and who knows what could've happened! I'm so thankful that it was not worse.
OK, so American Idol chat. Last night was pretty interesting, but I have to say that the funniest part of the entire show was watching that girl sob her eyes out the entire time! I laughed harder and harder each time they kept showing her - how funny was that? I really hope that Haley, Sanjaya, and Phil are in the bottom three tonight...I'm also not a Gina fan. I've gotta say, I'm rooting for Melinda, but I also like Chris Sligh, Blake, and Jordin. I like Lakisha too, but her song last night was weird and the whole thing was just a little odd. The rest can go home :) So we'll see what happens tonight.
Well, he is finally down for his afternoon nap, so I better go get some cleaning done. Hope everyone is doing well!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 11:58 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
It's BEAUTIFUL outside!!
Today has been such a beautiful day...well, it's supposed to rain soon, but earlier we had some fantastic weather! Landon and I went on a nice walk, it was so good to get out!! Landon really enjoyed being outdoors. When we got back, we went out on the deck and he played in his bouncy seat for quite awhile. Now he is zonked out and sleeping away in his crib (YAY!!).
Landon turned 4 months old this past Saturday - I can't believe how quickly he is growing. He is so much fun!! He is really "talking" now and he's making new sounds and "words" - he likes to say "bleh" a lot, he really puts the B and the L together very well!! He is really holding himself up well...he can sit very well with just a little support. He still isn't sleeping the greatest, but he is taking slightly longer naps, so that is nice. Last night he slept from 10:00-8:15 and got up once to eat. So that was really nice. He goes for his shots on Friday...UGH!!
Here is a slideshow of a few recent pics of Landon:
Well, let's see...AMERICAN IDOL...I was pretty disappointed last night. Did anyone find it hilarious that Paula just could not contain herself - goodness, was she awfully emotional!! I was a little disappointed with my two favorite guys...Brandon and Chris S. - they did not pull through well at all. BUT, Melinda and Lakisha were amazing once again and I think it will be down to those two in the end. Please America, send Sanjaya and Haley home - I think one of those two should definitely go home tonight. However, I think the entire country of India is voting for Sanjaya (can someone cut their phone lines?), but hopefully Haley doesn't have as much luck. We'll see tonight!
That's it for now...daddy's home and it's time for family time!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 1:28 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 9, 2007
Hooray for Friday!
Well, I am having posting problems again...I think it's my computer - I am getting errors on the page when I try to post. Anyways, I'm here at work this morning, so I thought I would post really quick.
OK, first of all, AMERICAN IDOL. Well, I have mixed emotions...I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO extremely incredibly wonderfully definitely fantasticly excitedly glad that Antonella got the boot! It's about time!! However, Sabrina? There is NO way she should've been sent home - I think Haley should've gone first. And for the guys, how on earth is Sanjaya still in the running? I think all of India is voting for him and unless America steps up their votes for all of the other contestants besides him, I've got this gut-wrenching feeling that he will be there for a while. I was sad to see Jared go...he wasn't the greatest, but definitely better than Sanjaya and Phil. As for Sundance, well, he was going to go soon, but I didn't expect it to be this week. My votes are for Melinda, Lakisha, Chris Sligh, and Brandon. So we'll see.
Apparently I spoke too soon regarding Landon's great sleeping habits because all week he has been sleeping TERRIBLY at night! It's been a little frustrating. He went from sleeping through the night to getting up TWICE!!! And he isn't sleeping well during the day and he refuses to nurse. So, it's been a pretty frustrating week for me...it's sent me to tears a few times. He goes to the pediatrician for his 4-month check-up/shots next week, so I'm hoping maybe the pediatrician can give me some insight. Nana is here this week which is a huge blessing to have someone else hold and take care of him so I can get a little bit of a break. He is still truly a bundle of joy - he can just be a handful sometimes :)
Well, I really need to get some work done, but I wanted to post while I was here in case I can't get it to work at home. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 5:26 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 4, 2007
It's finally working - woo-hoo!
For a few days, I just couldn't get blogger to work for me...it was weird. So I'm a few days behind. I had a blog all typed out and lost it, so when I re-typed it, I saved it this time and good thing I did because my blog wasn't working right and I lost it again...thank goodness for COPY AND PASTE!
Anyways...American Idol. OK, something must be wrong because ANTONELLA is still in the running!! What in the world? I definitely think Alaina was right to go, but I think Antonella and Sanjaya should've gone too! I am just NOT an Antonella fan - I don't think she sings well and I agree with Shyla, she edged out Bailey Brown, who I thought was fantastic!! Well, we'll see how things go next week. I'm not sure I can take another week of Antonella!
Landon has still been sleeping pretty well. One night this week, he slept from 9:30-6:30!! It was awesome. I think we're starting to get somewhere. Now we just have to get naps down, but even that is going much better!
He has been so smiley lately - I am going to post a slide show below of some pictures of him over the past week. I just love him to pieces!! I am so thankful for what a blessing he is - God has been so good to us and I couldn't ask for anything more.
We have finally finished painting the bedroom. Once it's put together, I will post pictures. We have now started to take things down in the living room to re-paint that. When we first moved into our house, it was all PINK...carpet, walls, everything. Then we painted it to a light gold yellow. I wasn't really in love with the color though, so now we're re-painting it again. We are just going to paint it a very neutral color...a khaki/beige color. We've painted this color before and have been happy with it, so hopefully this is the last time we'll be repainting our living room. Now we know colors we like and don't like.
This week, Nana is coming to visit. Dr. David Jeremiah is going to be at the Sovereign Center and Nana is coming down to go see him, so she'll be here for a few days. Landon hasn't seen his Nana since January, so it will be good to see her again.
Well, I've got lots to do, but I thought I'd quick post something now that blogger seems to be working for me. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 11:35 AM 0 comments