Tomorrow we are all going to Dorney Park (the three of us and my family). This will be Landon's first time at an amusement park. Of course, he's too small to go on any rides by himself, but hopefully he'll enjoy the carousel :) I will try to have pictures of our fun day tomorrow!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Nothing like the great outdoors!
Tomorrow we are all going to Dorney Park (the three of us and my family). This will be Landon's first time at an amusement park. Of course, he's too small to go on any rides by himself, but hopefully he'll enjoy the carousel :) I will try to have pictures of our fun day tomorrow!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 12:29 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Landon escapes Mommy Prison!
Next time I'll have to get it on videotape. He just LOVES the outdoors! Yes, he is only 10-months old and probably doesn't understand much, but he is so much happier when he is outside :) He's going to be just like his daddy!!
Well, just thought I'd share Landon's latest adventure!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 12:05 PM 4 comments
Friday, September 7, 2007
Motherly Love
My friend Jennifer forwarded this to me (and also posted it in her blog) and I really enjoyed it so I thought I'd copy it in my blog. I am so thankful that God has blessed us with Landon - it is so incredible being a mommy! Many of you know the hard journey we faced with infertility...we never thought that we would ever be able to have children of our own and God was so gracious enough to provide us with our miracle. I am truly blessed and my prayers go out to my friends and others who are still travelling down the heart-breaking road of infertility. I pray that one day they can experience how amazing it is to hold your own child in your arms. OK, before I get choked up, here it is:
Motherly Love Is..............
...pretending that you're already full when your child wants the one cookie left in the box.
...wishing it was you with the stomach flu and not him.
...cluttering up your precious storage space with her baby clothes because you just can't bear to part with them.
...always having his favorite snack in your handbag (and your favorite photo of him tucked in there too).
...accepting the soggy half-eaten cookie she lovingly offers you(and eating it too)
...buying a box of cereal just to get the prize he so desperately wants.
...sitting through an entire Barney DVD because it's her favorite and she wants to share it with you.
...being driven crazy when he's with you, but missing him like crazy when he isn't.
...when, even after endless sleepless nights, continuous mounds of laundry and a house that looks like a toy store after a tornado, one little smile is all it takes to melt your heart.
...when the other child is always the one who started it.
...dealing with everything that comes your way without giving it a second thought, whether it's vomit, snot, or poo.
...happily replacing your favorite painting with that lovely dried macaroni collage he made just for you.
...Being a mother is the greatest gift I have ever been given
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 11:18 AM 2 comments
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Hello everyone - I just thought I'd post some pictures from Landon's first Yankees game. I wish I had taken more, but here are a few good ones:
It was a very nice day, but the sun was VERY hot and of course, we sat in direct sun all day! Landon got a free TY bear (as pictured above) - the first 14,000 kids all got one. Landon did very well the first few innings, but then he got very tired and it was so loud and hot that he had a difficult time sleeping. So gramma and I spent most of the game out in the hallways inside the stadium (where the concession stands are) and we walked and walked and walked with him :) We had a great time though! We had bleacher seats, but we were in the back row which was nice because Landon could play behind us. He loved standing and playing on the bleachers - they were just his height! It was a lot of fun, but we were all very exhausted when we came home :) For little sleep and not eating well, Landon was a very good boy! He loved it! We are looking forward to going again - but maybe to a night game next time :)
We are hoping to relax and get some things done around the house for the rest of today (we don't have church tonight) and we are looking forward to all being home tomorrow because of Labor Day!!
We hope you all enjoy your Labor Day weekend!
Posted by Taryn and Danielle at 2:24 PM 1 comments