Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Love My Boys!

I still have yet to post pics from vacation, but while we were in MA, my sister-in-law took some beautiful pictures of the boys.  They are FABULOUS and she did such a great job capturing my 3 favorite faces in the whole world :)  Here is a link to the pictures...check them out:

Life around here has been insane lately!!  We were able to have some of my extended family from OH, NY, and Easton, PA come for a short visit.  It was so nice to see them, even if it was for just a short time.

Sooooooo, stay tuned for a possible business venture.  My sister and I are thinking of getting into a cake, cupcake, and confection type business - something we would do out of our own little kitchens :)  I've had a few "orders" from Jason's co-workers, so I'm hoping that maybe we could make something of this.  Here is a picture of the most recent cake I made:

So we will see what comes of it. Right now we are in the process of baking and decorating and taking photos for fliers/portfolios and such.  I am someone who lacks lots of confidence, so I'm afraid this will crash and burn, but what will it hurt just trying to do something small out of our kitchens?  Who knows, maybe some day we will have our own show on TLC {look out Buddy} - hey, a girl can dream, right? :)

Well, it's time to start thinking about what to make for dinner, but I wanted to post a few things since it's been awhile.

Monday, August 9, 2010

My boys make me laugh (most of the time)

I just have to share one of the funniest things of our day.  This morning, Landon brought out the little potty into the kitchen and said to Cole, "Today I am going to teach you how to go potty like a big boy."  So, he took off Cole's shorts and his diaper and told him to sit on the potty. Cole did, however nothing ever came of it (which didn't surprise me...he just turned two).  It was so cute and I thought that was the end of it.  About 2 hours later, he says to Cole, "OK, it's time to try again."  He then helped him take off his shorts and his diaper and made him sit on the potty again.  This time Cole wanted to take the diaper off himself (I'm a little worried that he is now taking his diaper off by himself all the time...afraid of what mess I might walk into).  It was pretty cute...I wish I had taken a picture of the two of them as Landon was trying to teach Cole how to go potty, but of course the camera wasn't nearby.  I love these little moments :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I know it's been awhile since I've blogged and I have lots to catch up on, but for now I wanted to post a great deal that I came across...a free large photobook from Picaboo (a $39 value).  I believe it is good now through the end of August.  I have not made one yet and don't know how much shipping will be, but I plan to check it out!!  This deal is for new members only, so if you have not signed up with Picaboo before, head over to their site and check it out!

I hope to get some other posts up soon...we've been away and have had family here within the last month and it's been quite busy around here!!