As you can see, I've been trying to fool around with our blog a little. I still have a LOT to learn, but I figured it was time for a new look! Thanks Nicole for helping me get a good start on making my blog look better!
Today Landon is at gramma's house and I am home with Cole today. Jason's parents are coming this weekend, so there is a lot to do!! I miss my little boy, but it's nice to only have one child today so that I can get some cleaning done before they come!!!
We are doing well...Landon is still adjusting to having Cole around. It has been frustrating at times. He is doing things that he never did before Cole was born. I don't know if it's the terrible two's starting early or if it's just because he's adjusting to not being the only child anymore or a combo of both. Whatever it is, we are praying it goes away quickly!! I'm starting to fear that I may have a violent child :) He just seems rough with Cole and thinks that it is now OK to throw toys. No matter how many times we scold and punish him, he's still doing it. We are trying to be consistent, but as of yet, we haven't seen much of a change! So pray that we stay consistent and that Landon would learn quickly!!
I need to put a slideshow of pics up sometime soon, I just hardly have time to sit at the computer and put one together!! In the meantime, here are a few recent pictures of the boys:

Well, I better get some more cleaning done while Cole is still sleeping!!