Friday, December 7, 2007

Yesterday's Appointment

Yesterday the three of us went to my OB appointment. I am at a new doctor now (horrible experience with the last doctor) and I absolutely LOVE them! Anyways, the appointment went very well...YAY!! The doctor said I was the healthiest person they had seen all day! Everything looks great - the baby's heart rate was 150bpm - I don't remember Landon's ever being that low!!! We still won't have an ultrasound for awhile, but I still enjoy going to hear the heartbeat!! So far, so good!!

We have a case of the sickies in our house - so far just Landon and I have it. The whole cold/ear thing...NOT FUN!! I am really looking forward to the weekend so Jason will be home to help out with things. It's a little overwhelming when you are pregnant and sick and trying to take care of a sick baby.

Well, I better run - I'm going to play with the little guy before his next nap. It's snowing outside, so he's enjoyed watching the snow come down!! Have a great weekend everyone!


Jennifer said...
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Jennifer said...

Glad to hear the appt went great! I hate to hear you and the little one is sick though, get well soon! And also, do you have to rub it in about the snow!!! LOL The last 2 days here has been 80 degree weather. No joke!
Love and Hugs