Sunday, November 11, 2007

We have an announcement...

Landon is going to be a big brother...SURPRISE!!!!!!! Yes, it is really true (I'm still in quite a bit of shock as this was a surprise to us too)!!! I am in my 10th week and due June 15th. We just had our second doctor's appointment last Thursday. I have a picture of the baby, but forgot to bring it downstairs to scan it into the computer, so I will post sometime later. Things are looking good - the baby's heartbeat was 168!!

We are very excited...I was very overwhelmed at first, but after the appointment on Thursday, I've been getting more excited. Landon and his little brother/sister will be 19 months apart. I want my kids to be close in age, I just wasn't expecting it to be that close.

I have to chuckle though because I believe God definitely has a sense of humor. Here it took us SO long to get pregnant with Landon and then with this one, it was so unexpected!!! I am very thankful that we did not have to go through the struggle of infertility again though - God is good!

Well, I want to keep this short - I am exhausted! Landon turned ONE yesterday and we had a fun party with family. I will post more about it later with pictures...I'm still worn out from yesterday. Plus we are all sick with colds, so it hasn't been very fun around here lately!

I'll be back within a few days with pics!


Jennifer said...

WOW!!! I have been checking your blog for like Halloween pics and stuff like that, but I wasn't expecting this!! I am so happy for you, we "plan" to wait a little while longer so I can enjoy some more time with Aiden! Can't wait to see pictures!!! Congratulations!!!

The Logans said...

Oh Taryn, I'm so happy for you guys. 19 months is close, but not too close. They will be good friends. I hope it's a boy so Landon has a buddy. :)